Despite celebrating its 25th anniversary almost two years ago, Sub Club is showing no sign of ageing. In fact, it’s only getting stronger.

The place that until 2010 gave us Optimo and an early home for Slam, before they outgrew its snug confines to start Pressure at The Arches, The Subby’s loyal club nights ? Numbers, Subculture, Sensu ? are what not only define the identity of this club, but its entire club scene. Any experienced Glaswegian clubber will tell you this is the beating heart of a city that doesn’t know when to stop, and not just for its absorbing soundsystem and Bodysonic dancefloor. DJ Harvey, Mark Henning and Leon Vynehall are just some of the names currently on posters pasted across the street corners of Glasgow, but the real magic is found inside this basement sweatbox that used to be a jazz club.